Sunday 16 April 2023

Day 16: Negation


Today's prompt was to describe something in terms of what it is not...


I am not tangible.
More substantial than a shadow,
but far from flesh.
I am not large, by any means,
more minute, made of fractions of moments,
filaments of light.

Neither am I false, but may be elusive with truth.
Sometimes I do not come into focus,
at others I shimmer, I glow; more real
than anything you can see.
I am not a footnote, but a testament.
I have no solid shape, am languid and fluid
like water running over rock, sun dancing
in the evening. I change, I flow
from small to strong, drip to flood.
I love music, it brings me to life,
fragrance too, the scent of a spring day.
I am not one thing, but many, a million pixels
of life developing and settling.

I am not darkness but love's afterglow;
the promise
that you will not ever be alone.
Not a figment of imagination,
but an imprint of thought, a fact,
the past reliving itself in the present.
Life's currency
that even death cannot deplete.
I am nothing and yet everything.
I have no life, but I live inside you,
a world within a world.
A sepia image that on demand puts on
a Technicolour show.
A vast repository of colour, I am worth and wonder
hoarded in the heart

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