Monday 29 April 2024

Day 29: Taylor Swift Lyrics/Words

I feel its dead weight
with every gong of the hour.
Try to walk but lumber,
dragging years of doubt,
everything is a chore.
When I go to speak
a puff of dry feathers
chokes my tone, turns
excitement to lethargy,
a smile to gaping bone.
Its one yellow eye can't be ignored
watches me with virulent power
something bad will happen
it ensures, there is no good
left in the world.
And how the shrivelled,
gnarled feet needle
just above my heart.
I carry the corpse of my dreams,
I will never be free of its grasp.

Sunday 28 April 2024

Day 28: Sijo


A stone drops into a silent moonlit river, ripples,
and then sinks into the deep dark abyss of unknown;
a petal falls and floats a heavenly pink, skein of light.

Friday 26 April 2024

Day 26: Assonance, Consonance, Ailliteration

 Day 26: Assonance, Consonance, Alliteration


Mirth or miracle, how the keen green multiplies
on every barren branch, every lean stem.
How, within weeks, days, there is a flourishing; tufts of tender leaves, shoots, seedlings, new growth swaying in the breeze.
Mirth or miracle, how there is a lifting of spirits,
on every winter-wilted heart, every dead dream.
How within weeks, days, there is a growing; tender touts of new ideas,
beginnings blooming, the self, seeding.

Thursday 25 April 2024

Day 25: Proustian Questionnaire

Always been intrigued by Marcel Proust and his tome of a book! He also got me to try madelines (delicious!). So, not the Proustian questionnaire, but an ideal coffee date...!
Having Tea with Proust
Lime tea and madelines.
He dips, I sip.
Nostalgia on the menu,
perfuming the cafe air.
The one thing we have in common - doesn't everyone?-
obsession with the past. A golden shroud of memory so vast.
We measure out our moments
in sublime attention.
He murmurs, I nod. Living,
this huge, quiet thing to muse upon.
Every day a page in a manuscript, we write and rewrite.
The madelines keep coming. The moments too.
There is no rush here. No hurry.
We pour and stir, repeat, again.
Flâneurs on an afternoon stroll
through Life's boulevards.
There is so much to remember.
There is so much we can't forget.
Time scatters around us;
we pick up and savour every crumb.

Wednesday 24 April 2024

Day 24: Borrowed Line

'I cried to dream' - from The Tempest, Shakespeare
In my poem a day book for today so just went with it!
I cried to dream
and swallowed the moon
in a black river of night.
Did you know that the language of darkness
is hope not despair?
Look, the soft wings of a moth
flutter open. Dawn breaks blossoms of light
in a shadow's tear.

Tuesday 23 April 2024

Day 23: Superhero

An unlikely hero....!

Dear PMS
How I admire your feistiness,
your fierce and unbidden temper
that can rise like a geyser,
pummel spectators with the force
of dam-burst water.
Your uncanny ability
to spout lava language
when politeness just won't do;
you have no fear, forge ahead, tirade
over all that is timid, tame, untrue.
How you wage war on the uncouth,
any out-of-line action, no lousy act let go.
Behold the warrior within,
Vesuvius fault line marked:
you laugh at limits, breathe dragon fire
at any grievance, combust doubt
in a superhero power show.
Direct as a slap on the mouth,
your red arrow shall pierce the heart
of any pending foe.
Oh worthy ally, sister of sacrifice, silent voice amplified.
Unexpected but real
battle-scarred hero.

Monday 22 April 2024

Day 22: Fight

 For Earth Day


City: I need more room
Tree: But you need me
City: My way is modernity, the future, the heaving mass of the human race - move over
Tree: My way is the present. Here and now. Just breathe.
City: People need me. I am a metropolis of the many
Tree: People breathe me. I am a living eco-system of body and mind
City: Grey is the new green, as strong as steel.
Tree: Listen to the breeze
City: I am a pool of refracted light, a glaze of ambition, power, dreams. Ever-fluid, changing, growing.
Tree: I am rooted to this spot. I am the dream of growth
City: Come to me all you refugees
Tree: I am a harbour for birds, bees, insects, people's gaze; the healing light of a leafy sun-dappled haze
City: I am the future
Tree: I am past, present and future
City: I am growth, longevity
Tree: Ahem, ask the oak
City: I am brain and brawn
Tree: I am heart, lungs and spirit
City: I am the human race personified
Tree: I am life. Trinity of person, place, nature.
City: I am here
Tree: I am gone

Sunday 21 April 2024

Day 21: Colour

Sunday Morning
Sun peels the layers of morning,
ever-changing treasure by the hour:
marmalade, saffron, lemon, chartreuse.
A goldfinch flickers, loiters at the feeder,
wings streaked with sun.
Buttercups open to dawn's caress,
tickle of birdsong.

This morning light is April's blessing,
a blaze of possibilities all before breakfast.
Aureoles of sunlight dance in waking rooms,
cat sprawls, lounges in golden pools.
A yellow cardigan drapes a chair,
Van Gogh's field of sunflowers,
the colour of
burgeoning daydreams.

All at once everywhere is aglow,
a profusion of buttered brightness.
Day is warming, sweet,
ripe with joy.
Every moment
a honeycomb of happiness,
a discovery of precious gold.

Thursday 18 April 2024

Day 18: Something/Someone Else


Imagine amber eyes
two little moons
that feast on darkness.
Svelte, like velvet, like night
decanted and sieved
into elegant ink.
Cunning and comfort.
Indolence, guile and grace.
A languid question mark
that answers any vacant space.
Curvature of charm at home
in a coil of slumber,
companion, talisman.
The self-assuredness
of slink and purr and pour
oneself into silhouette,
into dawn, into dream;
the wild an underbelly cry
caught in a stare
of glass-green, feral-fire,
instinct wicked, alive.
Attuned to time's finesse
I pounce, attack, uphold
the secret of myself
like an ancient Egyptian,
little god of alleyways
and acquired wisdom.

Wednesday 17 April 2024

Day 17: Song

 Dream a Little Dream of Me

(Paris 2002)
Feather soft dusk.
Moon a hammock in sky, silver lining smile.
Ballroom theatrics. I remember
a music box made of brass
spinning around and around,
lost talisman, romance found.

Up in skies above the city
the sound wafts, couples abound;
cocktail hour, Martinis and moonlight
and tulle dresses. A soirée á Paris, enchanté.
White wine gold, champagne bubbles,
aerodynamic fizz of anticipatory

the warm caress of
sunset; swagger of jazz; you lean close -
in all the years since -
the moon is swooning in a summer sky, tipsy stars
and a love story blooms like a rose
in midnight's secret garden
whispers a lullaby in night's ear.

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