Saturday 1 April 2017

Day 1: Haibun

 Image result for spring flowers daffodils and tulips
 'April comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers...' 
 ~ Edna St Vincent Millay

Yay, another NaPoWriMo begins! 

Today's prompt is to write a poem in the style of Kay Ryan, but I find this too difficult, so I'm going with yesterday's early bird prompt of writing a haibun.

Observations on April 

April comes on like a blush, the first flush of the year's love. Each day begins with a buoyancy. The sky is blue again, benevolent. The days ahead beckon yellow, open and sun-clad. Sliver of a new moon adorns the sky on this first April night like a diamond earring, or some gracious, celestial smile. A promise. Everything begins here.

Season of new songs
trees glitter in the distance
incandescent air

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